Ways To Avoid Slip Trip Or Fall Accidents At Work

Slips, trips and falls are probably the most common causes of accidents in the world. In the United States alone, these account for nearly 20% of all accident claims. If you injure yourself at work because of these reasons, then you are entitled to claim slip compensation. However, if you are an employer or an employee, then it should be your primary responsibility to ensure that your working environment is absolutely safe, as this will help prevent workplace accidents like slips from occurring. Here are a few ways to prevent slips and trips from occurring at work:

1.Never Run at Work: Avoid running in your workplace, as this is one of the main cause for slips and other work-related accidents. Ask your work staff to walk instead of run if they want to avoid hurting themselves.

2.Be careful around mats and rugs: As silly as it may sound, mats and rugs pose as serious health and safety hazards, especially if they have worn or frayed edges. Uneven edges, stray threads and lumps or bumps in your mats or rugs can lead to workplace accidents like slips, trips or falls. Try to get rid of these so as to provide for a safer and more even walking surface.

3.Remove and mark the changes in floor: Unexpected changes in floor pose as a health hazard, but there are many ways to reduce these risks at your workplace. Put in hand rails, better lighting, tread marked ramps and bright floor marking to make your workplace safer and prevent accidents.


4.Check for Bad Lighting: Bad lighting can greatly increase the chances of accidents from taking place at the work place. Lighting on the stairs and across floor levels should be corrected as well.

5.Make sure you choose sensible shoes to wear: If you are planning on wearing high heels or ill fitting shoes to work, then you can expect to meet with accidents frequently. Always make sure you wear well fitting shoes that are sensible to work.

6.Keep slippery surfaces safe: Some surfaces can be slippery and should be treated to prevent workplace accidents. Naturally slippery surfaces can be chemically treated as well to remove hazards.

7.Clear up Spilled Substances: If you notice any spillage, make sure you clean it up immediately so as to prevent slips and falls. Or, you could put up signs to alert people that there are spilled substances present. Call in the cleaning services to dry and clean the area.

8.Secure loose cables and wires: Loose cables and wires that are trailing along the floor can cause workplace accidents. You can use cable guards to reduce these hazards, and use signposts to make people aware of the risk of tripping.

9.Put up Signposts: If your workplace has sizeable changes in flooring or frequent wet surfaces, then putting up signposts can be very effective in preventing accidents from occurring.

Follow the above mentioned steps carefully, and you can avoid all workplace accidents related to trips, slips and falls.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/business-articles/workplace-safety-articles/ways-avoid-slip-trip-fall-accidents-work-320860.html

About Author:

OSHA 10 Hour Safety Course is leading online 10 hour OSHA training solutions provider for workers on construction safety, work site safety and risk management issues.For further information, visit: osha10hoursafetycourse.comAuthor: John Michael