Travel Profitably}

Travel Profitably


Louis RockyMaking the most out of travelling is an admirable idea. But how to achieve this depends on several factors; like: Is it a business travel or a pleasure trip? If pleasure, are you going alone or with wife or a partner? Or is it your family with wife and kids? Again, is it a travel involving just a day and night or several days? Let us take the first scenario. You”re travelling alone on a business trip. Depending on your taste you could catch up with reading you had no time while working. If you are not sure of what book you want, you may keep the Kindle, a wireless reading device with over 300,000 books, top newspapers, magazines, and blogs. It can be held and read from, or it can read aloud to you.Ditto music. Many carry the simple walkman with the music they love and enjoy the maestros” creations in the constantly changing environment. Those of the contemplative type, travelling in train or plane or car or boat could be the most creative time. The advantage is that you are spared of your usual chores and move with the Nature. Poets used to do this a lot. So did lyrics writers for theatre and films. Creative writers find this time particularly rewarding as running scenery fills in you thoughts otherwise would not have been possible. The women travellers who love knitting or beading find travelling profiting time to create songs in thread and needle.If you are the one who loves to click, travelling throws up excellent opportunities. With extra chips in your digital camera, the travel, no matter which route, affords you a never-before opportunity to shoot loving moments of life and living. Many lovers of the lens have copied life”s marvelling nuggets in this way which may bring them a fortune in the future or simply takes them back on the memory lane.If you are a group of friends and on a weary, long journey, and you are not in public transport, you can karaoke for fun and discuss the topics you have common love.With family and children, travelling time has to be spent differently. First, the children must be engaged or they would bore themselves to death or make your life miserable with naughty acts. If it is a travel by road, the best way to engage kids would be to assign them an interesting job like counting sports car or vehicles of a particular color. Or, better still, make them count the vehicles passing you for a period of time. Of course, there should a tasty reward for their toil or they will spoil your effort. Treat them to the candy or a choco- lick of their choice at the next stop. Plane travel with kids would be trickier as the avenues for indulging in pleasure would be limited. But intelligent games or brain teasing quiz with promises of rewards could be a useful way of keeping them engaged. Reading or looking out and marveling at the clouds of different hues making and unmaking wondrous formations around you is something this writer never found boring.

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