Left Handed Office Equipment}

Left-Handed Office Equipment


JohnRhodesAre you left handed or know someone who is left handed and works in an office? Chances are if you are not one yourself, there is someone near your workstation who is a leftie. Many people never stop to think about how having office equipment around made for right handers effects left-handed individuals.No matter what a left hander is doing, it is important and considerate to have the proper items around for him to be able to do his job. There is sporting equipment and kitchen utensils and tools made for left-handed people, but there are also office supplies made for them, too. Whether you work in an office with a leftie or are a leftie yourself, you will want to take a look at these items and possibly start supplying and/or using them.A basic office item such as a pen is used every day. Chances are no matter what hand you use, you would not notice what hand the pen was made for. But more often than not, if it has grips on it, it was made for the right hand. If a left-handed individual were to use this pen it would likely cause her to write in a lower quality, and over time it could cause hand pain from gripping the pen wrong. However, most pens these days are universal, and you can find specific pens made for a left-handed person at any office supply store.Other common office items now being made for a left hander are rulers, pencil sharpeners, notebooks and desks. Rulers are designed so that the scale reads from right to left. Pencils sharpeners are made so that you can hold a pencil in the left hand and operate the sharpener with the right hand, which is done by simply reversing the blade. Notebooks are being produced so that the spine is on the right-hand side and the book opens on the left. Even the paper inside is reversed, but it can still be torn out cleanly. The biggest item now being made is desks for left handers. This may sound like a bit much, but studies show that making more items available to a left hander in an office setting makes them more productive. Custom desks are reversed so that the person sits to the far right and has all of his space, including filing cabinets, on the left. Although these still remain an item not high in demand, they are readily available and many businesses usually have one or two desks on site for a left-handed worker.It is important to realize that people who are left handed need to have the same accessible tools and items available for them. For centuries they have had to adjust and use everything for right handers. As you can see, more and more equipment is being made for the left-handed community. Now even in the office the supplies are available to allow left-handed workers to be just as comfortable and effective.

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