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How to Prevent Perishable Shrinkage
Romeo Richards
Visit any large supermarket in the morning, the aroma in the air is always that of fresh baked bread. Customers will frequent a particular supermarket over others because of its perishable department. Therefore, it is vital that the fresh & friendly philosophy becomes the operational standard of any retail organisation that wants to remain profitable. A produce department accurately merchandised is a sight to behold; it is a symbol of beauty and magnificence. It conveys a message of freshness to customer that creates customer loyalty and develops a satisfying perception about your store.
It is the perishable department that distinguishes one supermarket from another.
Product availability, freshness and quality all contributes to the competitive edge one supermarket has over another.
Four essential facts about perishable department:
Fuels sales & profit
Stores lose 20% of available perishable profit to shrinkage
Reducing perishable shrinkage by 20% will increase total store profit by 33%
The perishable department contributes the highest income; ironically it is also responsible for the highest level of shrinkage.
Causes of Perishable Shrinkage
There are numerous causes of perishable shrinkage, but the main causes are
Product receiving and handling practices
Spoilage due to over stacking products
Mistakes that allow stock to overstay in the backroom
Theft by customers and employees
The ultimate challenge is to determine the amount required for maximum sales and minimum waste which at all times is a delicate balance.
How to Prevent Perishable Shrinkage
1.Order for Three days
In the perfect world, perishable goods will be delivered to the store each day and sold on that same day. Unfortunately, in the real world things do not operate in this manner, retailers should ideally ensure they order perishables within a three-day interval in anticipation of busy periods. Achieving this requires store managers using information on customer buying habits, seasonality and supply availability.
2.Order Smart
Ordering smart is the key to reducing perishable shrinkage. Department or store managers need to understand their own customers buying habits, stock on hand, order in progress and projected sales as a guide to the amount of stock they will need to order.
3.Coded Storage Cooler
A coded storage cooler will ensure that products are displayed on a first-in first-out basis. Department supervisors and managers must ensure that codes are adhered to on a daily basis. Perishable shrinkage needs to be on the checklist of store managers as they conduct their store tours throughout the day.
The turnover time has to be
2 days for fresh seafood
3 days for produce
7 days for fresh meat and deli.
4.Smart Display Space Allocation
In an attempt to capture customer attention, many store managers prefer a large display of fresh produce. While this may seem a smart idea in the short-term, if not properly managed, it could lead to products expiring. Freshly displayed red peppers are attractive to look at and can be tempting to customer. However, piling new peppers on top of old products will shorten the shelf life of both new and old products. Managers therefore need to be able to strike the balance between wanting to entice customers whilst maximising their products shelf life. Creating an illusion of full shelf space requires managers to create an illusion of full boxes when in effect they are not. Replenishing often but in small quantity is the way to minimise deterioration in product quality whilst still creating an effective display. Although this is one method, display space allocation philosophy differs dramatically from organisation to organisation.
5.Correct Handling
The vast majority of shrinkage in a perishable department is the result of incorrect product handling. The following are strategies for improving handling procedures:
Good receiving policies and procedures
Strict cooler and display rotation policy
Reduce price as soon as practically possible
Control controllable shrinkage
6.Refrigeration and storage
The majority of perishable goods should be stored in a temperature controlled environment. Refrigeration has to be checked on a daily basis to ensure that temperatures are maintained at an acceptable level. If temperature fluctuations are not identified and addressed, the shelf life of stored perishables will be shortened. Although refrigeration slows down the growth of food spoilage bacteria we must ensure that these storage areas are regularly cleaned and sanitised to kill any bacteria and to prevent cross contamination.
7.Sell rather than lose
It is virtually impossible to prevent the accumulation of perishable inventory. To minimise the losses it is better to apply the adage Your first loss is your best loss. and sell products at a discount rather than allow the products to perish.
8.Scan file Management
To reduce shrinkage related to cashier product ID and scan file Management, it is advisable to constantly monitor cashiers products knowledge and ensure products are correctly priced. It is also essential that product files are checked on a regular basis for seasonal products.
Even in the most efficient stores, there will be an acceptable amount of perishable shrinkage; however, good buying habits and handling can reduce perishable shrinkage considerably. The cardinal rule for reducing perishable shrinkage is to sell what s in stock fast .
Perishable products lose freshness, weight, fluid and attract bacteria by the day. If they are not sold before their expiration dates in which case, the store may be forced to discount them to minimise any losses. It is imperative therefore to implement systems that ensure your perishables remain fresh and are sold for their full retail price. Romeo Richards is a senior consultant and trainer with Retail Loss Prevention (UK), a division of Richards International Group. He has achieved an MA in International Relations and has over 15 years experience within the security industry. He is a prolific writer and regularly publishes articles for industry magazines. Romeo has more recently published whitepapers and best practice guides on retail profit improvement and is at the forefront of efforts to professionalise the UK security industry. He has worked with retail giants such as Tesco, Marks & Spencer, WH Smith, Brantana, Music Zone and Virgin Music. PIE is the number one provider of profit improvement consultancy and training to the retail industry in the UK. From multinationals to sole traders, we offer the same high level of service excellence, professionalism and trust. Our training modules include: The Constraints to Making Profit in Retail Understanding Retail Shrinkage Preventing Employee Deviance (Theft) Preventing Employee Error The Dynamics of Shoplifting Receiving Goods – Process & Procedures How to Prevent Robbery & Burglary How to Create a Culture of Loss Prevention 21st Century Retail Technology Retail Loss Prevention (UK) are the only organisation in the UK that provides in-depth profit improvement training for retail executives, line managers and employees. We have developed our courses in conjunction with security and retail experts. Delegates who attend our training courses leave with knowledge that they can immediately apply to their own organisations, which ultimately leads to increased profit
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