Eco Friendly Driving Habits}

Eco-Friendly Driving Habits


Milos Pesic

Environmentally friendly driving may sound like a contradiction, considering that motoring is the USA’s No. 1 cause of air pollution. With a few simple steps drivers can conserve energy and clean up the air.

There’s nothing one person can do that will help the environment more than to drive and maintain a vehicle in an environmentally friendly manner. And environmentally aware driving pays. It can help save on gas and car repairs, extend the life of your car and tires and contribute to safety. To get you on the road to ecodriving, here are some tips:

Don’t gun It

Overcome the impulse to put the pedal to the metal. When you suddenly depress or release the gas pedal, the engine burns only a small portion of the gas fed into it. Sudden accelerations and decelerations send fuel straight out the tailpipe.

Get the right gas cap

A snug cap is essential to keep fuel evaporation from fouling the air. Take a look at yours. If it’s damaged or just won’t screw on tightly, buy a replacement at an auto parts store. Also check whether you have a vented or non-vented cap. A nonvented cap prevents gas from evaporating. Your owner’s manual will tell you whether you can switch.

Use a warm car

If you have more than one car, use the one with the warmest engine. That cuts back on cold starts, a cause of high emissions and engine wear. Take your car for a run if you’re a city driver, take your car out for exercise over the weekend. We’re not talking about a freeway spree; simply get out on the highway for a half-hour at 55 mph. This car-fitness regimen will do wonders for engine efficiency by burning up deposits and contaminants that have built up on the engine.

Pay attention to oil

Do you know what kind of oil your car uses? Many people don’t. But the type you choose will have a dramatic effect on what comes out of your tailpipe. Use energy conserving oil. It increases fuel economy and reduces emissions.

Don’t Idle

Emissions of carbon monoxide and other toxins are highest when your car idles. So keep idling to a minimum. And remember: Idling is not the most efficient way to warm your engine. Instead, get the car moving at moderate speed. If you can stand to keep the heat off a few minutes, do. The heater diverts energy from the engine and slows its warming.

Check for leaking fluids

Fluids that puddle under your Porsche also evaporate and pollute the air. Next time you pull out, check your driveway for leaks.

Reduce unecessary driving

Instead of circling and re-circling the mall in search of a parking space, land in the first spot you see. Then walk. Plan errands to make the most efficient use of your driving rime.

Check your tire pressure

Flabby tires make your car work harder and diminish fuel efficiency. So make sure yours stay fully inflated. The appropriate pressure is printed on the sidewall of the tire.

Sample public transportation

For an adventure, take a break from driving and hop on a bike or a bus instead. Public transportation is the most planet-friendly way to get around. Use it whenever you can.



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