Best Exterior House Colors

The color you choose for your home exterior is representative of your personal style and can dramatically impact your home’s curb appeal. With so many options on the market, the selection process can be challenging. This guide is designed to introduce you to the best exterior house colors that can transform the aesthetic appeal of your home.

The Power of Neutrals

Neutral colors are timeless choices for home exteriors. White is a classic choice, providing a clean, crisp look that never goes out of style. Light grays and beiges are also popular. Darker neutral shades like charcoal and black are becoming increasingly popular for a dramatic, contemporary look.

Earthy Tones

If you desire a home that blends seamlessly with its natural surroundings, earthy tones are an excellent choice. Warm browns, greens, and blues have a calming effect and work particularly well with homes set in rural or densely landscaped environments. Combining these shades can also create an exciting and dynamic exterior.

Bold Hues

For homeowners who wish to make a statement with their property, bold colors are the way to go. Vibrant shades of red, yellow, and blue can set your home apart from the mundane. A key consideration when choosing bold colors is to ensure that they complement your home’s architectural style, roofing color, and the surrounding landscape.

The Influence of Architectural Style

The architectural style of your home significantly influences the choice of exterior colors. For instance, traditional homes like Colonial or Victorian styles may look best in classic whites, light grays, or pastels, while modern minimalist homes may benefit from stark whites, grays, or bold, darker shades.

Mediterranean style homes lend themselves well to warm, earthy tones such as terracotta, olive green, or rustic blue. Craftsman style homes commonly feature warm, rich shades like maroons, browns, and forest greens.

Considering the Local Climate

The local climate should also influence your color choice. In a sun-drenched environment, lighter shades can help keep your home cooler and prevent paint from quickly fading. Darker colors may be well-suited for cooler climates, absorbing and retaining heat.

Professional paint companies can provide insightful advice, considering all these factors. For instance, residential painters Nelson Bay Australia offer expert consultation, suggesting colors that enhance the architectural features of your home while perfectly harmonizing with the local climate and culture.

Test Before Committing

Before making the major commitment, it is highly recommended to test out your color choices. Paint samples on different areas of your exterior and observe them at different times of the day to get a feel for how they might look under varying lighting conditions.


Choosing the best exterior house colors is a mix of keeping up with trends, understanding your home’s architectural style, and considering the local climate and surroundings. Whether you lean towards neutrals, earthy tones, or bold hues, remember, the best color is one that represents your personality and complements the character of your home. Don’t hesitate to consult professionals for advice. With the right color choice, your home can become a source of pride and joy for years to come.