Assisted Living Facilities In Retirement Community Environment

Assisted Living Facilities In Retirement Community Environment


Byron F. Jonas

How to Drink Tea and Coffee in the Healthiest Way Possible

Drinking tea and coffee every morning is truly satisfying. For people who can’t live without it, these caffeinated drinks make their day complete. Although coffees and teas are natural products and very rich in nutrients, there is a proper way of drinking these caffeinated drinks in order to get the best out from their health benefits. Also, drinking them improperly will make them a bad component of your diet, so how can you drink coffee and tea in the healthiest way possible? Take note of the helpful tips below:

•Cut down the cream. If you can drink it without cream then try to do so. Adding cream or milk to your coffee and tea will only create an inappropriate fat content to the drink. This is important if you are following a weight loss regimen or suffering from cardiovascular diseases as the fat from the cream may affect your health adversely.


•Add sugar in moderation. It is not necessary to make your coffee or tea drink extremely sweet; just add little amounts of sugar in order to neutralize its bitter taste. Adding too much sugar is very harmful to health especially for those suffering from diabetes mellitus.

•For coffee drinkers, drink coffee in moderation as well. Too much coffee will bring loads of caffeine to your body. Caffeine is a natural stimulant and during excessive consumption it can possibly cause sleep disturbances, nervousness, hyperactivity and inability to focus in fine details. A 300mg caffeine intake per day is advisable so keep within this caffeine intake limit.

•In drinking tea, try every kind of tea around. Do not stick to a single kind of tea in your entire life; try other variations as well. Different kinds of tea have different kinds of nutrients included. Some nutrients are even unique to a specific kind of tea, so try to experiment in choosing among the different kinds of tea around.

With the mentioned tips, you can now enjoy your tea and coffee drinks in a healthier way than before. Few rules and modifications must be followed if you want to benefit from these caffeinated drinks optimally. It is easy if you are a flexible coffee and tea drinker but it may be hard for those not used to it. To make the change acceptable for your taste, modify your coffee and tea drinking habit gradually. All of these reminders are important so you can have the healthiest way of drinking tea and coffee, for the benefit of your own health.

Byron Jonas recently placed his grand mother in

;>assisted living facilities. He realised the

;>supported accommodation community could take better care of her needs than he could.

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