3 Steps To The Richer Life

By Rick C. Ernst. Ph.D.

I have the plan for your financial success, I don’t mean to infer that it is my plan. This plan for financial success has been handed down through the ages. It is time-tested. It is comprised of the best financial ideas Western civilization has perfected.

The plan has several distinct areas that regulate the success a person will enjoy. When you utilize each of these concepts, putting them in your life with enthusiasm and hope, you are on your way. Your dreams will come true; it is just a matter of time.

First, to achieve financial success and live the Richer Life you must first accurately determine your present financial condition.

Tragically, most people don’t have a clue as to where they stand financially. Some are so confused they’ll require professional help. Most likely, though, that will not be your problem. However, if it is, then get help now. If you are like most people, your problem will be simply to get organized, to find out exactly where you are financially and to develop a plan to move forward to where you want to be financially.

There are a vast number of books and computer software you can purchase to help you understand your true financial condition. Many can be purchased for less than fifty dollars. Though these financial aids are available, many people still refuse to confront their financial condition because of its bleak outlook. Don’t make that mistake. Get your financial condition out into the open once and for all, where you can finally set forth the ways and means for positive change leading to full and lasting financial success.


Second, to achieve financial security as you live the Richer Life you must eliminate debt from your life.

In the past, the rage among many financial advisors was that you should constantly leverage your assets as deeply into new debt as possible, and inflation and quick depreciation schemes would bring you financial leverage. However, it’s been proven over time that when you become indebted, with or without the advice of a financial planner, you do so at your own peril.

In my own experience and through much research, I’ve discovered that some of the truly wise and best advice about debt are found in the Bible. Take note of what King Solomon said: ‘The borrower is servant to the lender.’

There is also this famous line from the Apostle Paul: ‘Owe no man anything, except the continuing debt of love.’ Trust me.

— Debt Destroys!

— Debt Cripples!

— Debt Burdens!

— Debt Limits!

If you are not in debt now, stay clear. If you are in debt, begin to plan your escape.

Thirdly, I urge you to develop ‘a saver’s attitude.’ Without a saver’s attitude, you’ll never know the special satisfaction of living the Richer Life.

Not too long ago in America, the financial philosophy about success changed. Americans were led to believe that you could borrow your way to success. The outcry was, ‘If you can qualify for a loan, do it, borrow all you can. Have your cake and eat it too.’ This is very different from past generations, when men, women, and families achieved full and lasting success and often never borrowed the first penny.

Today we’re told that those days are gone. The world has changed. No, the world hasn’t changed. Attitudes have changed. As a very successful success coach, I teach my clients (people like you) the value of developing a saver’s attitude. And today I challenge you to take these concepts I’ve shared with you into your life. Make them part of your thinking, and live them fully. Accept financial success as your birthright and commit now to always save out of your present abundance that you may live the Richer Life.

About the Author: Article by Rick C. Ernst, Ph.D. who teaches entrepreneurs to become millionaires and millionaires how to live their perfect lives. ‘Like’ Rick’s Facebook page and receive a FREE hardback copy of his 260 page $27.95 bestselling book, ‘Richer Life Secrets’ at:




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