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1V0-621 Free PDF Demo
Adila MasihQuestion: 1
Which two resources are the most impacted in the infrastructure sprawl experienced in non-virtualized data centers? (Choose two)
A. Power
B. storageC. ComputeD. Network
Answer: BD
Question: 2
Which tab in the vSphere Web Client allows you to view the state of CPU and memory components for an ESXi Host?
A. Hardware Status
B. Configuration StatusC. Cluster StatusD. Resource Allocation Status
Answer: A
Question: 3
Which storage format can be used to deploy data stores on block storage devices?
A. Virtual Volumes
Answer: C
Question: 4
Which vSphere feature automatically optimized resource utilization and responds to workload requirements?
A. Dynamic Resource Scheduler
B. Data ProtectionC. Storage DRSD. Storage I/O Control
Answer: C
Question: 5
In what two ways can vSphere Replication minimize network bandwidth consumption while replicating and storing virtual machines?
A. it can use pre-shipped VMDK files as seeds
B. It limits CPU cycles used during data transfer.C. it can use dedicated network resources for replication.D. It stores the replicated data in compressed format
Answer: CD
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Test Information:
Total Questions: 51Test Number: 1V0-621Vendor Name: VMWARECert Name: VMWARE CERTIFIED ASSOCIATETest Name: VMware Certified Associate 6 – Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals ExamOfficial Site: http://directcertify.co.ukFor More Details: http://www.directcertify.co.uk/1V0-621.htmlGet20% Immediate Discount on Full Training MaterialDiscount Coupon Code: 411611IUH5
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